We all communicate with others, and usually don't give it much thought. However, how we communicate with others has dramatic consequences both for our relationships and for our own mental health. On this page you can access a booklet titled "A Way of Communicating" which offers a perspective on communication and communication skills that I believe is most fruitful and many of my clients have found to be quite valuable.
I use this booklet in my work with most couples and many clients in individual psychotherapy and I encourage people in couples to
read it prior to our first appointment. The booklet is approximately 25 pages long.
may view or print a copy of the booklet "A Way of
Communicating - Adobe Acrobat" as an Adobe Acrobat file by clicking on this link, or you may download a copy of this
booklet as a Microsoft Word document by clicking on this link "A Way of
Communicating - Microsoft Word".