Links &
Institute offers a variety of residential programs for personal and
professional development that I have found to be very useful myself and
for my clients. The programs are offered at The Haven
Resort, a beautiful seaside retreat on Gabriola Island, BC.
Pursuits offers facilitation, counselling, and consulting services
through my dear friend, Carole Ames.
The best site that I have
discovered for learning about emotional difficulties and self-help strategies is
Psychological Self-Help, an on-line book written by clinical psychologist Dr. Clayton E. Tucker-Ladd.
This site is encyclopedic in its scope and I have not read all of it, nor do I agree with everything that
he writes, but he presents a very balanced view, supported by research and many years of clinical wisdom.
A very useful and engaging site, both for understanding the nature of our difficulties and for learning about psychotherapy is MyShrink.
Basic Guided Relaxation
You can download an audio file containing a Basic Guided Relaxation exercise by clicking this link. "Basic Guided Relaxation - mp3 File"
The file is 10 MB and will take about one minute to download with a high-speed internet connection. You can then listen to the file on your computer's media player, by downloading it onto your MP3 player, or
by burning the audio files onto a CD-R.
Read the following paragraph before listening to the exercise.
Introduction to Basic Guided Relaxation:
This basic guided relaxation exercise is designed to guide you into a state of deep physical and mental relaxation. It is important that while listening to it you do not have other responsibilities you must attend to, most obviously not driving a car. Almost everyone listening to guided relaxation will experience it as pleasant, but as with everything, it is possible for someone to have an adverse reaction. If you experience yourself as feeling distress as you begin to relax then stop listening and do not continue except under the supervision of a health professional.
This basic guided relaxation exercise can be used on a regular basis to facilitate you feeling more relaxed in your body and mind, perhaps allowing you to then move into the other activities in your day from a more balanced and settled place. It can also be used to promote relaxation prior to you engaging in some activity that you feel anxious about. It can also be used to instill physical and mental relaxation prior to going to bed to facilitate sleep. I view basic guided relaxation as a tool to aid in coping with stress and anxiety, but I believe that most people are best served by also addressing the underlying roots or source of their stress and anxiety. More information about this will be available on my web site in the future.
This Introduction to the Basic Guided Relaxation can also be downloaded as an mp3 file by clicking on "Introduction for Basic Guided Relaxation - mp3 File"
A Meditation for Being Human
You can download an audio file containing this meditation by clicking this link. "A Meditation for Being Human - mp3 File"
The file is 24 MB and will take 2-3 minutes to download with a high-speed internet connection. You can then listen to the file on your computer's media player, by downloading it onto your MP3 player, or
by burning the audio files onto a CD-R.
Read the following paragraph before listening to the meditation.
Introduction to A Meditation for Being Human:
This meditation is intended to promote us connecting with different aspects of ourselves, including our own wisdom and compassion. It is important that while listening to it you do not have other responsibilities you must attend to, most obviously not driving a car. Almost everyone listening to this meditation has experienced it as relaxing and useful, but as with everything, it is possible for someone to have an adverse reaction. If you experience yourself as feeling distress as you begin to relax then stop listening and do not continue except under the supervision of a health professional.
Attachment You
may view or print a summary of information about Parent-Child Attachment by clicking on this link "Attachment Summary -
Microsoft Word".
Regardless of the reason you are interested in seeing a psychologist, the vast majority of people experience improved mental and physical health through moderate exercise. Here is an entertaining, informative 10-minute video.
Information: #206
- 4545 West 10th Avenue Vancouver,
British Columbia Canada
V6R 2J2 Phone:
604-518-1416 Fax:
designed and maintained by Dr. Geoffrey Carr (Updated October 16, 2013) Please
contact me if this website is not displaying well on your browser.